Common Injuries from Friendswood Car Accidents

Car accidents in Friendswood, Texas, are scary events that involve a significant amount of force and impact. This force can lead to injuries ranging from minor to fatal. The severity and type of injury varies based on the circumstances of the accident. 

To discuss your case, contact our legal team in Friendswood, TX. At The Law Firm of Alton C. Todd Personal Injury Lawyers, our team of Friendswood car accident injury lawyers can analyze your case and create a personalized strategy to get the compensation you need. Call today at 281-992-8633 to schedule your free consultation with our Friendswood car accident injury attorneys. 

How The Law Firm of Alton C. Todd Personal Injury Lawyers Can Help After a Car Accident in Friendswood

How The Law Firm of Alton C. Todd Personal Injury Lawyers Can Help After a Car Accident in Friendswood

Our team has over 58 years of combined experience helping accident victims. In that time, we’ve gotten over $300 million in verdicts or settlements for our clients. We specialize in personal injury law in Friendswood, Texas, and know how to get results.

If you’ve been injured in a car accident, you can either file a claim with the responsible party’s insurance company or file a lawsuit against the responsible party. The process can be hard to navigate, and insurance companies are notoriously challenging to deal with.

Our Friendswood car accident lawyers handle all aspects of the process so clients can focus on healing and moving on after their accident. 

Our Friendswood car accident injury attorneys can do the following for you: 

  • Gathering evidence to support your case and claim for damages; 
  • Negotiating with insurance companies and opposing counsel; 
  • Handling all administrative tasks, including complying with the statute of limitations and all applicable deadlines; 
  • Working with expert witnesses to strengthen your case; 
  • When necessary, filing a lawsuit and representing you in court. 

If you’re injured in a car accident, you need an experienced Friendswood personal injury lawyer to ensure you get the compensation you’re entitled to. Contact The Law Firm of Alton C. Todd Personal Injury Lawyers today to schedule a free consultation. 

What Types of Injuries Are Common After a Car Accident in Friendswood?

The type of accident and amount of impact play an important role in the type of injuries sustained. When looking at the most common types of injuries, it helps to separate injuries based on the type of car accident. There are always exceptions to this rule, and it’s hard to predict the type of injury you’ll have from an accident. That said, there are common types of injuries we see from car accidents in Texas. 

Injuries Caused by Rear-End Collisions

Common rear-end collision injuries are: 

  • Whiplash
  • Chest bruises
  • Concussion
  • Bone fractures 

In a rear-end collision, injuries are common, but they’re generally less severe than other types of accidents. 

Injuries Resulting from Side-Impact Collisions

Angle or side-impact collisions usually happen at intersections. 

Common injuries from side-impact collisions are: 

These accidents can be particularly dangerous because airbags and seatbelts provide more protection from direct impact than side impacts. 

Sideswipe Collision Injuries 

Sideswipe accidents usually happen when drivers are changing lanes. 

The injuries we see the most from sideswipe collisions are: 

  • Cuts and abrasions
  • Bruises
  • Strains and sprains 

These collisions usually involve less impact and force than other types of accidents, which means less severe injuries. 

Injuries Caused by Head-On Collisions

Head-on accidents are some of the scariest car accidents. 

Common head-on collision injuries are: 

These accidents often involve significant force and can lead to serious injuries. 

What Kind of Damages Are Available to Car Accident Victims in Friendswood? 

Car accidents can have major financial impacts, especially if there are significant injuries. If you’re injured in an accident caused by another driver, you could be entitled to compensation for your economic and non-economic damages

These damages include: 

  • Medical expenses
  • Lost wages and lost earning capacity 
  • Property damage 
  • Pain and suffering 
  • Emotional distress
  • Decreased quality of life 
  • Loss of consortium

In certain circumstances, Texas courts will also award punitive damages. These are relatively rare and only apply to accidents where the responsible driver was grossly negligent or malicious. 

How Much Does It Cost to Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer in Texas? 

At The Law Firm of Alton C. Todd, you don’t pay anything to hire our team. If we don’t win your case, we don’t get paid. Our clients don’t pay any upfront fees or hourly expenses. 

Instead, we work on a contingency fee basis. This means that if you get a settlement or damages from a verdict, we will get a percentage of that award. We’ll work with you to set up the contingency fee at the start of your case. 

For clients, this means that you won’t pay your personal injury lawyer out of pocket. Instead, your lawyer is paid with a percentage of the settlement or damages you receive. 

What Should I Do After a Car Accident in Friendswood? 

If you’re able to, you should exchange information with the other driver, take photos and videos of the accident scene, and request a copy of the accident report. 

As soon as possible after the accident, you should: 

  • Contact your insurance company and let them know about the accident; 
  • Contact a personal injury lawyer to discuss your case; 
  • Start a diary to record details about the accident and its impact on your life; 
  • Keep all bills, medical records, and receipts relating to the accident. 

Your priority after a car accident is your safety. You should immediately move out of harm’s way and get all the medical treatment that you need. 

Contact Our Friendswood Car Accident Injury Lawyers for a Free Consultation 

If you’re injured in a Friendswood, TX car accident, The Law Firm of Alton C. Todd Personal Injury Lawyers can help. We specialize in personal injury cases and know how to get results for our clients. Contact us today to set up a free consultation, or visit our Friendswood Personal Injury office.